We get results because our operations are managed with extreme attention to detail. Every element is measured continuously, against a predetermined standard. To do this we implement an OPSO Control System, which feeds real-world data into an Online Risk Management program, operated from our Control Room. This means that both we and you, can know exactly what is happening on the ground at any time. We feed the pertinent information back to your management team via reports, sent on either a daily, weekly or monthly basis, depending on the project's demands.
We close the gap between what you hope, think or wish was happening on the ground and what is actually is happening. Once we understand what you hope to achieve, we design and control the system that makes that wish a reality. This can be applied to either your security needs, or the operational facets of your business.
We have used this system to transform the management of a mechanical workshop, a sawmill, a log yard, a health and safety system, a fire-response team and more. We can use this same system to manage your existing security provider, your fleet or a host of other operational functions in your business.
We also offer other management information through our Drone Services, Polygraph Testing, or can apply our system to your Personnel Procurement, to ensure you truly get the best candidate for your needs.

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